Q & A with Elizabeth

Get To Know Elizabeth


I would Rather Be...camping, hiking through the woods (by water is even better), kayaking, spending the day on the Over Sand Vehicle (OSV) beach at Assateague National Park swimming, having dinner by a bonfire under the stars. 

Recharge Place...my prayer room, walking with the dogs and friends, anywhere near water. 

Best Daily Habit...starting my day in the dark in my prayer room, quieting my mind, meditating, listening, and watching the sun rise. 

Worst Daily Habit....buying books. I LOVE BOOKS! I find boundless joy and comfort being surrounded by books. I am a person who engages in Tsundoku (in my case, books that are on a bookshelf ready for reading later) 

My Creative Joys… Playing the guitar, knitting, cooking, writing, and drawing, but my pictures are vision prompted and rudimentary.

Favorite Day of the week... Is Marriage day! My husband and I choose one day of the weekend to spend the entire day together. We have just started hiking on marriage days and we are loving it!! We also love to seek destinations we have never been to and eat at restaurants unknown to us. The drive and meal gives us time to talk, laugh and dream whiles enjoying roads and towns we’ve never traveled. The remaining day of the weekend we spend enjoying our individual hobbies which is fun in a different way.

Guilty Pleasure...I ADORE watching football. During football season, I usually record five or so games a week between college and the NFL (GO RAVENS and JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS!!!). When it is not football season, I am reading about my teams. I LOVE College Draft weekend. It is holiday like excitement for me. 

My Favorite Holiday...is Valentine’s Day. My parents always made a big family dinner complete with gifts, cards, and candy. It is such a special childhood memory. It was joyous filled with anticipation, laughter, and love. For us it was celebrating all of those who you love. We still celebrate Valentine’s Day the same way. 

Passionate About...my husband, daughter and our fur and feather children, continuing to heal myself, assisting others in their own healing and enlightenment and doing my small part in helping the planet heal.

Totem Animal...Hawk 

What Amazes Me... how incredibly awesome the Universe is and all it contains. 

If I Could Wave A Wand...I would make everyone smile, acknowledge each other, say thank you, laugh daily and drive in a respectful and caring manner. 

Still Working on...me 

I Want My Epitaph to Read...thank you for your patience. Construction has ended.


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