Hygge’s approach is refreshingly holistic.

Nice to meet you…

What is in a name?  Have you ever had that moment when you see something and say, “that is it!”  That is what happened one day when I was looking through a cooking magazine. Upon seeing the name and after reading the article, I knew immediately that I had found the name of my new company that I had envisioned for so many years.

Hygge, a Danish word which means coziness and comfort which brings about about a feeling of well-being and happiness. Hygge, also has Norwegian roots dating back to the sixteenth-century. For Norwegians, Hygge means “hugga” which in English is translated into the word “hug” which means embrace.

Both the Danish and Norwegian word “Hygge” embody happiness, well-being, a form of everyday togetherness (social connections), a pleasant, highly valued everyday experience of Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, Safety, a sense of belonging and embracement of personal wholeness.

The services that Hygge offers to it’s clients embrace these definitions as well as the way of life and marries them with Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy and the Concept of the Total Person.

Interested in learning more? Please schedule a free 15 minute conversation with us.


Who Hygge Is:

Hygge is a woman-owned business run by Elizabeth Howser located north of Baltimore City, Maryland.   

Elizabeth possesses over 30 years of Executive Human Resources Leadership experience in For-Profit, Nonprofit and start-up companies. She has worked in industries such as Banking, Healthcare, Education, and Property Management. In her Executive Leadership Roles she has served as consultant and coach to Executive leadership and managers.

She is an intuitive growth coach emphasizing the Total Person serving individual and group clients who desire to learn more about their personal power that is uniquely their own, awaken one’s true self, self-purpose and find one’s path aimed at improving personal growth and fulfillment in life.

Hygge’s approach is refreshingly holistic. It is centered around partnering with individuals and organizations to shift paradigms of beliefs, thoughts, narratives, and goals. This is done through personal coaching, mentoring, and providing services for organizations desiring to become Employee Communities. In partnership, our conversations and experiences together emphasize and concentrate on the growth of the Total Person.

Elizabeth is passionate, participative, soulful, hardworking, and dedicated to providing a more joyful and effective experience through following one’s breadcrumb trail. When that inner voice speaks and says that “there is a unique way to live by following one’s breadcrumb trail ,” she would be honored to speak with you. 

What Hygge Does:

Our conversations and work together can lead to greater total person awareness, a better understanding of authentic self, healthier relationships, clearer direction in life and career, greater fulfillment and enjoyment in daily life than ever before as well as achievement of established goals.

I base my coaching as well as the design and development of Hygge’s broader programs and services around Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, which is meeting the physiological, safety, belonging, and love needs resulting in increased self-esteem and self-actualization of a person.  I then marry the Hierarchy of Needs with the Total Person concept to create specific programs for each client and organization I work with to achieve this framework.  The Total Person concept addresses the influence of family and home, financial and career, and educational, social, cultural, spiritual, and ethical beliefs.

Living a life that is happy, healthy, and fulfilled is what many seek whether it is as an individual or a member of an Employee Community. By combining these concepts, Hygge’s offerings provide the opportunity for improved physical, emotional, financial, and spiritual health. At their core, these programs are designed to plant seeds for unearthing and transforming an individual’s understanding and appreciation of self, self-purpose, self-worth, and personal influencers.

This Total Person-centered holistic approach lays the groundwork for a healthier, more satisfied individual or Employee Community. For an individual, this healthier, happier, and more satisfied way of experiencing life produces an enriched and harmonious life. For an Employee Community, healthier, happier, and more satisfied employees create an environment of increased employee engagement, satisfaction, retention, and recruitment.  Often resulting in decreased operating expenses as well as increased customer satisfaction.

Interested in learning more? Please schedule a free 15-minute conversation with me. 

Get started with Hygge, today.